
That time of the year...

Well my dear blogspot friends, we are well into the "my head is spinning from too much to do" holidays.  It is only 4, yes count them 4, days from Christmas.  My eardrums cannot wait for the holiday to be gone and over, as they are about to start bleeding the tunes of Christmas music.  My wallet also cannot wait to rejoice in joy over the lack of monetary funds conducive to the holidays.  Regardless, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend filled with friends, family, love, laughter and fattening food.  This will be my first year cooking, I hope the Chinese take-out down the street will be open.  The menu will include ham with cider glaze, green bean casserole, baked sweet potatoes, apple and cranberry stuffing and a couple bottles of wine.  Everyone wish me luck, I'm not quite the domesticated diva in the kitchen! 

2010 has been a pretty gracious year to me...falling out of love, falling in love, starting to really find myself, having nowhere to go to having everything I always wanted.  Well this will be my last blog of 2010, so everyone please have a safe and fun Christmas and New Years!  I'll catch ya'll next year :)

Countdown to mother of all road trips: 114 days (woot! woot!)

p.s. Dear Santa, I still really want that Airstream trailer to travel the world.  I promise I'll be a good girl next year(or at least try!)

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